Friday, March 28, 2008

Why I live in Indiana

After Hangdog's funeral, my favorite cousin-in-law gave a small book to the husband. The title is "Why I live in Mississippi ... 101 Dang Good Reasons." The author is Ellen Patrick. It's a lively tribute to the south and I recommend it.

I won't give you 101 reasons why I live in Indiana, but I'll give you a few:
I was born and raised here.

My parents and friends are here.

The seasons change --we witness winter, spring, summer and fall.

The state fair.

Indiana corn and tomatoes.

Elvis performed his last concert here. (Don't tell me I have no southern connections!)

On national television we are portrayed as buffoons. It's my personal mission to correct this image.

We play Euchre.

College Basketball and Professional Football.

Did I mention corn and tomatoes?

We have multiple weirdos from our state: Michael Jackson and Jim Jones (don't drink the Kool-Aid) --just to name a couple.

Our baby senator (Dan Quayle) became Vice President. Potato or Potatoe?
Our baby governor (Evan Bayh) is now on the short list for possible vice presidential candidates.

Hoosier hospitality. It's not a myth.

The husband and I love to travel. I also like the feeling when I'm back home again in Indiana.

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