Friday, March 7, 2008

Nervous Tics

The apple may fall a few generations from the tree but it's always there.

Wild Bill had this annoying tic of clamping his tongue between his teeth. I try to keep it private but yes, I do it. It helps me concentrate. Once I divulged this info to my parents, my father walked around doing an amazing imitation.

One of my friends splays her hand in front of her stomach or on her rear -- as if the world can't see what's behind the five fingers. It helps her feel covered. It's a tic.

Someone in this family turns every question back to the questioner. A tic perhaps?


janis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
janis said...

So much for editing my comment... anyway, what I meant to say is...
I love your tick! It cracks me up everytime I get that look in my mind. Especially because it makes me feel less self-conscious about my strange new tick.

janis said...

ps. Am I the only one that seems to have trouble with these damn word verifications when leaving a comment? It's like I am on drugs or something! Sometimes I am fine, then they make some wacky wavy letter, & I have no idea wtf it is. sorry. had to vent