Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Feeling Like a Fool

I'm not sure if Hangdog's plot was successful or I'm a total idiot. Maybe both.

His hip is not just broken, it's shattered. Bone fragments and metal pieces have run amok. Throw in his heart condition and we're having some really enlightening conversations of the pros and cons of surgery. That is, if we can find an orthopedic surgeon who thinks this might be plausible And, if the brothers agree this is a good idea.

I'm still getting on a plane tomorrow morning, albeit with a heavy heart and a ton of reservations.

My self examination tonight is not good. If this were the Belle versus Hangdog, I would've been in the waiting room all day. I'm not proud of myself. Our doctor assures me there is nothing to be done and he is resting comfortably. But the guilt lingers.


janis said...

Don't beat yourself up! You are there for Mike. There is nothing you can do here for him right now. He is being cared for in the Hospital and I am guessing the pain medicine is keeping him groggy. He probraly wouldn't know you were here or not. You keep your cell attached at all times, if needed, you can be reached. In the meantime, try to have some Sheri time! You need a little rest & relaxation!

Anonymous said...

Go!! Have a good time. You need it. Not going on your trip will not change any outcome. Stop doing this to yourself. Janis was right when she said he probably would not know if you are there or not and the hospital will keep you posted. You are not Belle and this is not your husband. The guilt just proves how much you love him, but it does not change anything. BGS