Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Next Stop on the Blog Trail

I've run out of oldies but I haven't run out of stories or ideas. Would you please honor me with your opinion? I'm considering closing this blog and starting a new one. Some names I've thought about are:
Reflections and Ramblings
Reflections and Revelations
Life after the Oldies
Thoughts for Today
Thinking Just for Today
Phase Three

I have to see what's available. Will you continue to check in and leave comments? Please let me know your thoughts about these ideas and any others that come to mind.


cecily crossman said...

I like Phase Three and Life After the Oldies.

janis said...

My vote is for "Life after the Oldies" and even though it isn't one of your choices, I like "Sheri's World" or "Sheri's Thoughts"

Anonymous said...

I know you are feeling sad and depressed but DO NOT give up on this blog.

Too many people are enjoying reading and commenting on your life experiences.

Take some time off from this-- feel better and then resume your therapy.

I can tell you get a lot of fullfilment out of your writing wheter it is the oldies and many other experiences you scribe about.

Sleep about a new name--- keep the current name for a while to honor your in-laws.

Why not re-visit this idea after a while for a new blog name.

How about "Life is too Short"?

Hang in there--- time will heal this hurt.
