Sunday, March 2, 2008

Once Around

Again, I'm going to reference a movie. If you haven't seen Once Around (1991) with Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter, I highly recommend you do so.

I won't spoil the story line with the exception of telling you that the main character is over the top. And, there's a little trouble with the family dynamics as he becomes the daughter's love and husband.

He lives his life with the philosophy of "You only go around once." I wouldn't make the choices he makes in the movie but I do agree with the philosophy.

In the movie, he says what he thinks, often to the mortification of his wife. Yet, she is crazy about him. (I'm in touch with this emotion.)

The Belle's "Once Around" is over. I have a running bucket list of things she planned to do that plays through my mind.


cecily crossman said...

One of my very favorite movies. Reminded me of my marriage in many ways.

I'll never forget the furneral procession around the circle.

Anonymous said...

I remember the movie too. I usually do not see a movie the second time but I did see this several times on the telly. Patsy