Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Giving Up Hope

My life has been pretty darn cushy thus far. But, you don't reach my age without having experienced some downfalls and disasters. I have never given up hope. I have been sad, depressed, angry and scared. Yet, hope always remains -- even when it's just a flicker.

I think the Belle gave up hope when she saw independence going away. Having her keys taken away was humiliating. Knowing that they would have to move to a facility of some sort was more than she could bear. I should've seen the signs but I didn't.

Hangdog gave up hope years ago. You could see it in his demeanor and you could experience it in a single conversation. After the Belle died, he gave up all will to live. Do you think you can will yourself to die? Some people believe this. I wasn't sure how I felt about that question but I think I just witnessed it.

When people say, "I have nothing to live for," I'm stunned. I want to say, "Of course you do. You can live with hope that tomorrow may bring a solution to the situation you're mired in. At least, live with the hope that it will be a better day."

This brilliant bit of philosophy is brought to you by the woman who still crawls on the dog pillow during difficult times.

1 comment:

janis said...

Hope, love, faith & of course my 4-legged companions get me through. I do think people can will themselves to die, and once they give up hope, it's hard to come back.