Sunday, March 23, 2008

Two Holidays on the Same Day

It's not only Easter, it's also the husband's birthday today. He's never big on acknowledging his birthday but it seems especially odd to be celebrating his birthday when we just returned last night from burying his father.

My routine is completely off. I like knowing what we're doing year after year for various holidays. I tend to stick to the same menus and I welcome the traditional rituals. Not this year.

I didn't make it to church. Frankly, I was too exhausted to drag my sorry self to the shower to make it in time. I'm sure I've disappointed my parents -- again. I did not make it to the grocery so we are not having ham and the rest of our traditional menu. We're having spaghetti, salad and bread, supplied by my mother. I did not make Big Daddy's favorite cake to honor his birthday. But, my mother did. I did not get around to shopping for a small gift. I did buy a card and now I can't find it.

We will gather with my parents and the baby. We will play games until the husband tires of it. He gets to make that call since it's his day. We will spend a little time with the baby and it will not be enough.

I haven't forgotten that it's Easter. But for a creature of habit like me, it sure doesn't feel like it. The oldies ruined my Easter last year. This year, I've done it all by myself.


janis said...

Funny. Sergio's birthday is Tuesday. He will be 50. I should have a party. I should have bought him something special. I haven't even bought a card. I unlike you having to deal with funerals traveling and whatnot, have been having a pity-party for my root canal for tomorrow morning. I know its routine, but I am such a chicken shit when it comes to DENTAL WORK. Luckily, Sergio also, has never been big on the birthday acknowledgment. He would rather me not spend money. He is in the middle of a big negotitation so that is taking up all his attention. (For the record, in 4 years I DO WANT the party. Acknoledge me or make Sergio do it :) ). The girls dragged me to church with Sergio today, I am thankful for that (I prayed I make it through the Root Canal). I didn't do a big dinner either. We had my side over for a small brunch after church. We will hang low & have soup for dinner. The girls are off at big celebrations with the boyfriend families. We are jsut watching the History channel, like the boring oldies we are becoming.

Anonymous said...

I think that the early Easter date and the cold weather has really thrown everyone off. I don't think that people gathered and celebrated the way they do when the date is later. It is still a very holy day in most churches and was celebrated as usual. Next year will be better. Patsy