Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Do I Have a Nickname?

My sister-in-law was here during Hangdog's surgery. As you know, he did not make it. Two of the husband's brothers were here when I breezed in from Florida. They were dealing with the multitude of details that accompany a death.

As we sat around the fire -- probably our last one of the season -- we discussed the trip and the service. We reminisced about good times and bad. I found myself saying things like:

The Belle would be pleased.
Hangdog is in a better place.
Big Daddy may kill the dog.
Has anyone called Weird ****?

Nicknames are not always flattering but they are usually endearing.

My sister-in-law wanted to know if I/we have a nickname for her. No one else calls her this but in my mind, her nickname is Crew. She a well-oiled cooking and cleaning machine. She's a crew of one and she gets it done.

The golden girls occasionally call me "Baby." It's a nod to the movie,
Dirty Dancing and it's a reminder that I am the youngest of the three of us.

I don't care to know what other people have named me.

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