Thursday, March 6, 2008


The oldies did not always get our humor. I'll be the first to admit that the language can get raw and and the subject matter can get out of hand.

Some people are really good at telling a joke. Some people, like the husband, get accused of turning every joke into a shaggy dog story.

Within your family or your close circle of friends, there comes a point where you don't have to tell the story. You can just blurt out the punchline and everyone cracks up.

When we go to the lake or on vacation with friends, we have it down to a secret language. (There might be some wine involved.)

My faves:

They stuck me with a chihuahua?
The Thompson twins are drunk again.
A good goat will do that.
Two pickets to Titsburg.

That last one isn't the punchline but you'll know immediately if you've heard the joke.

It's kind of like a song you've heard before.

Being (self-diagnosed) slightly autistic, I laugh every time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have had barrels of laughs over "Two pickets to Titsburg" over the years. Patsy