Friday, March 7, 2008


Just so you know I am not so self-absorbed that I forget to stress about things that don't really involve my day to day life, let me share a few. I worry about:

Friends who are looking for a job and how I could possibly help.
My parents, who always seem to get the short end of the stick when it comes to attention.
Friends and family dealing with various oldie situations.
What our young people are learning or more importantly, not learning.

Oh, I do a good job of fretting about the obvious:

The husband
The children
My business

The rational part of my brain tells me this fretting serves no purpose. But if you have a way to turn it off, call me at 3:00AM and we'll discuss it.


janis said...

You are the least "self-absorbed" person I know! I wish you would learn to turn off your phone on occassion.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know about that! Certainly not the most, but not the least!