Wednesday, March 12, 2008

How about that NY Gov?

I wish the Belle and I were sitting at my kitchen table. She would have much to say about the allegations of the governor of NY involved in this high-priced call girl sting. As I'm watching the news, I can actually hear her in my head.

I'm always amazed at the wife standing stoically by his side. Do they practice this in the mirror? I cannot imagine. It's one thing to have a disaster in your marriage. It's another situation when you are a public figure.

By the way, can you show me a marriage that hasn't been through disasters? The idea of it being all over the web and the media makes my skin crawl. The Belle would be appalled.


cecily crossman said...

Having lived a public life I can tell you that presenting a united front goes with the territory.

janis said...

I can't believe all this attention that the prostitute is getting. A record deal? PLEASE!!! Kristen's 15 minutes of fame is over. She is still just a WHORE! She just got paid way too much for it. I am so sick of hearing about her. What is this attention telling our young women? That look, this 22 yr old got paid thousands of dollars & she is getting all this attention too! Ghee... I am sure Mrs.Spitzer & her family are distressed enough without the hearing more about the whore.