Saturday, February 2, 2008

Car Dates

In my childhood household, the rule was I had to be 16-years old before I could car date with a boy. My parents allowed me to fudge it a bit once or twice.

Last night I had a car date. The husband had a new CD that a friend burned for him. Lots of his favorites and songs that hold special meaning to him. Instead of bringing it in the house, he wanted to sit in his car and share it with me.

We (Gabby-the-dog and me) shared the passenger seat. The husband went through every single song and explained why he loved it. Yes, we sat in his car, in our garage for the entire CD.

When we finally came back in the house, he bounced between my iPod (Where is it? Bring that speaker system out here!) and the piano. The dog got her squeaky ball and played along. He pretends he doesn't like her but he kept telling her she was off key. When I offered to put her to bed, he said, "Leave her alone, she is fine."

As usual, we played our little competition games. Which artist is this? Can you name the year? What is the song really about?

Certain rules were instilled in me as a child. I'm sure my parents were terrified that a boy and a girl, alone in a car, was a recipe for disaster.

Last night, there was a man, a woman and a dog alone in a car. It wasn't disastrous; it was fun.


janis said...

I think that sounded lovely! The car date was well needed & I hope that you both will make more time for these kind of things. You have both gone through so much, esspecially in the past few weeks. It is time to breath. Try to relax, even if for a nano second. I am glad that you made time for the car date as well as tickling the ivory's and playing with the ipod. That is the Dan & Sheri I miss! The music man & his uptown girl!

Anonymous said...

That is the kind of evening that will stay in your memory forever. Time like that are some of our best memories. Patsy