Monday, February 18, 2008

Snap Crackle Pop

Workout is an important part of my routine. If I'm being lofty, I'll tell you that I do it for my health. Arthritis runs in my family. I am a prime (Mega prime) candidate for osteoporosis. My workout girls provide comraderie. I would not bother if it were not for them. There's peer support and the laughter helps. The workout is often pure frustration for me. My body won't get in that position. I hear "Snap, crackle pop" while I attempt to find it.

I have these little reflective moments when I try to do a particular exercise or stretch and my body won't go there. As a young girl, I was a dancer. (Ballet -- not Go Go or Pole dancing.) I used to sit on the ground and wrap my legs around my neck. My father would jokingly say, "You are going to be so popular on dates!" My mother would whack him.

As many people have commented, aging is not for wimps. When I'm tempted to complain about my creaks and aches, I remind myself of all the Belle endured. I think about the many pieces of metal in Hangdog's body. (It doesn't completely nullify my frustrations but it helps.)

I will continue to lift my weights and get my heart rate moving. I will attempt to contort my body into positions that it no longer welcomes. But, I will have one eye on the clock and at 7:30 A.M., I will be the first to announce, "I all done."

1 comment:

janis said...

I so admire all of you for your dedication to workout. As the skinny girl growing up, I never thought I would have to worry about this kind of TORTURE. However, the past couple of years have not been so kind to me & I am replused at what mother nature is doing to my body, she's mean. Anyway, although I could never get into a routine as tough as yours, I am interested in the new ZUMBA and hope to go for it soon :)