Friday, February 15, 2008

She Blowed Up

My limited history in community theater has paid off. I know how to take a cue.

Sometimes the husband and I watch television together. Some actress or celebrity from our younger days will be on The Today Show or Larry King Live. For whatever reason, he lets me have the punch line:

He says, "What happened to her?"
I steal his line and say, "She blowed up."

Our plumbimg and a couple of appliances are acting strange. Our coffee maker died. The husband asked me about it. You guessed it, my only answer is "She blowed up."

Hangdog and I did not have a pleasant visit today. His expectations are unreasonable and his demands are exhausting. (I wanted to run like the wind.) I kept my tongue and emotions in check but then I got to my car. She (me) blowed up.

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