Monday, February 11, 2008

The Keeper

Every marriage or relationship goes through spells where you just don't want to talk to one another. And then you have to because one of you is the keeper of information.

Even when the husband and I are not feeling super friendly, we have these conversations:

Where is the tuition bill?
What is my dad/mom's social security number?
Did you mail that paperwork in?
Did he call today?
Did you talk to the nurse today?

I am the keeper of information. I know where the files are kept. But it's a risky venture. I am Pigpen. It's kind of like asking the dog to be in charge of one particular twig.


Anonymous said...


I am very sorry for your loss!!

I have been reading these blogs for a long time since Mom told me about them.

I am touched by your insight into what it took to take care of your older in laws---- I remember going through the idiosycroncies of havng an 80 plus grandmother living with us--- Grandma Love.

As what your Dad said-- find some peace that you took this couple in to your home and gave them more years than they would have had on thier own. Fun and fulfilling ones at that.

Your annecdotes on how they live provided priceless insight into our otherwise dull existience. Lots of fun stories as well!

Thanks for the levity letting us all on this blog with an insight into yours and thier lives.

Sorry it came to such an abrubt end.

You did the right thing-- and got to bond and fall into a relationship you probably never thought would happen until you took this on.

God bless and hats off to you--- this is what we are supposed to do whether we like it or not.

I was very hesitant to respond but after reading all these blogs--- can't help but being proud you and Dan did the right thing.

Thanks for all the fulfulling blog comments--- you a truley a great writer and these last few years of blogs should be put into a transcript for yours and Dan's future generations.

Surprise and hope you all heal quickly and find a fun way of life soon,


Anonymous said...

Sorry I said Blog so much.

As a writer with your experience-- I am sure this is a major faux paux,


Sandy said...

Richie's comment very eloquently says it all. Thank you, Richie.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I think Rich should be a writer too. Not of the caliber of Sheri but I was impressed with his comments. Patsy