Friday, February 22, 2008

I Take it Back

Other than the classic orgasm scene, one of my favorite moments in the movie "When Harry Met Sally." is this exchange:

"I take it back"
"You can't take it back; it's already out there."

I don't spend a lot of time with regrets. What's the point? What's done is done. But wouldn't it be nice if you could take it back?

Of the million lessons I learned from the Belle, several of them include:
Any complaint is easier to swallow if you start the sentence with, "Love ..."
Marriage will continue to throw curves. Take it or go take a dodge ball lesson.
Spousses are allowed to bark at each other. No one else is allowed in the dog park.
Children will disappoint you. It doesn't change the love.
Laughter may not cure it all but it's a pretty good salve.

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