Wednesday, February 13, 2008


This writer's strike has really messed with my schedule. I only have a couple of favorite primetime network shows and I'm missing them.

Grey's Anatomy is my favorite. I miss McDreamy and McSteamy. They're both cads but they're fun to watch. I like shows that can make me laugh, cry and swoon. (Oprah makes me laugh and cry but she also gets on my nerves so I can only handle it in small doses.)

I used to watch Grey's Anatomy with the Belle. She could never keep the characters straight so I spent a lot of time answering questions. Hmmm... maybe the writer's strike is a ploy. Instead, maybe they're just grieving for the Belle.

Their creative nicknames make me smile. I thought about asking the husband to give me a McNickname. Then I decided against it. This week he would call me "McMeany."

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