Saturday, February 9, 2008

Convertible People

I will never own a convertible. I'm not one of those people. On some peripheral level, I understand the appeal. It's probably like motorcycle enthusiasts: the wind in your hair ... the sun beating down on you ...

If I want to feel the sun, I'll go to the pool or I'll go on vacation. Don't get me started on the wind in my hair. I don't have convertible-friendly hair. The wind can mess with it on a good day. After a ride in a convertible, I bear a strong resemblance to Gilda Radner playing Rosanne Rosannadanna on SNL.

My friend and neighbor just bought a new convertible. I think it's her third. She is kind and will often let me ride with her to a mutual destination. She laughs at me because I spend the entire trip holding my hair.

1 comment:

janis said...

Do you remember Greg K. little MG back in high school? Do you remember when Greg had to have me drive it home from the track and I got "tramatized"? I still can't get in one without thinking some thug's going to start wailing on us (even though it was Greg not me getting the thumpings). You were so lucky not to be in it, although I think you were following us & that had to be just as freaky! I swear that is the reason I don't let the girls ride in them!