Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Poster Child for Good Behavior

Obviously, I am not referring to myself.

I get a little nervous when someone I love has a doctor's appointment or medical tests. Within the last 10 days or so, my father has had both. Both days, I waited for the phone call so I could exhale. Thankfully, all is well.

His doctor called him, "The Poster Child for Good Behavior." He follows instructions and manages his conditions. He manages to do it cheerfully, although he has made many lifestyle changes that would shake or break a weaker man.

Yes, this is blatant daughter worship.

When I had lunch with my doctor this week, I had a cheeseburger and onion rings. He made a crack about keeping him in business. But this is the man who literally has all my numbers (cholesterol, weight, etc.) so he said it with a smile.

Today I will visit Hangdog, who is not even in the running for Poster Child for Good Behavior. Then I will go to my parents and visit people I don't spend enough time with. Maybe my father will rub off on me and I'll start being better behaved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No you are not in the running for Poster Child for Good Behavior--you and Big Daddy are in the running for Earth Angels. I wish I could be more like you. Beth