Saturday, February 23, 2008

Time Flies

Last night I was supposed to meet a few of the golf widows. Their husbands are on the same trip as Big Daddy. I was iffy about it because the weather was crummy and I get nervous driving on sleet and snow. Idiot Sheri came into play and said, "Go." So, I went and I'm glad I did.

While I was trying to find these friends, I ran into at least five people that I know. (Yes, one of them was probably your ex.) I ran into one of my wives-in-law. Why are all these people out on such a crazy weather night?

One person who I had not seen in years gave me a gigantic hug and then had to take a call from his daughter. I know his ex-wife. I remember when they called with the news that they were expecting twins. I have vivid memories of her baby shower and visiting when the babies were newborns. Their babies are now 12-years old. Time flies.

Do you ever hear a song on the radio and then the DJ will tell you the name of the group and the year? If I'm singing along, chances are it's an oldie. But when they announce the year, I'm usually taken aback. Time flies.

It's been a month since the Belle died. Time flies whether you're having fun or not.

1 comment:

janis said...

It is hard to believe Eve has been gone a month now! Time does fly too fast. I rememeber as a child, my elders telling to enjoy, because time will fly as I got older. I thought yeah, right! Now I am like, "Oh My Gosh! How can Feruary be almost over???" And don't get me started on how it seems like only yesterday we were our childrens ages! If I could just have an extra 4 or 5 extra hours per day I think I could handle it better.