Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Minister's Wife

I have been privileged to know many wives of ministers. I realize that women can also be ministers but in my life experience, most of my ministers have been men.

Minister's wife looks a lot like the role of First Lady. No pay but a lot of work.

The chances of me in the position of minister's wife are slim and none. (And Slim left town.)

My aunt was a Methodist minister's wife for several decades. She managed to support her husband and the interests of his many congregations while keeping her own interests, opinions and career goals. Oh, somewhere in the middle she birthed and raised four children. When she married this man, he was a successful salesman. The calling to the ministry came later. She didn't sign up for it but like most successful people, she adapted and did it with aplomb. Now, he has passed away. She continues to support her church, his charities and interests. She does it her way.

Many, many years ago, I was in college and they were visiting my parents. I was in a phase where I liked to ask provocative questions. (I've never really outgrown that stage.) She answered my questions but she prefaced her response with, "My answers may surprise you." She was not afraid to have an opinion.

My cousin (in-law) was our angel during the funeral/travel arrangements for the Belle. The husband refers to her as his honorary sister. She is a minister's wife. She is also a mother and works full-time. While she is extremely supportive of her husband, she does not hesitate to exert her influence or share her opinion.

Women like this take traditional roles and break the mold. They show the rest of us how to do it with dignity. I'm taking notes.


cecily crossman said...

Thanks for the kind words. One of the things that changed the image of "minister's wives" was the emergence "minister's husbands."

They (like me) don't usually put up with the silly stuff.

cecily crossman said...

P.S. Loved Richie's response on the previous blog. All true.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the kind words but I am no angel. It's not really hard being a pastors wife--in the two small country churchs my husband serves-notice I said he not I- all I have to do is be at the back of the church at the close of service and comment on what a nice new shade of blue Mrs Jones' hair is and did Mrs Smith get her corns removed this week. I do know the congeration does appreciate when I give my husband the sign that his time is up by putting my finger across my throat--this is to remind his that I have a roast in the oven and we need to go. As far as being and honary sister I am truly touched and I miss the Belle. I do know that this son and daughter in law will have stars in their crown one day and they will never have to explain why they did not take care of the Belle and Hangdog-I love you both

Anonymous said...

please excuse the spelling errors-I do not know how to do spell check-anyway who says YANKEES dont have a sense of humor--Yall take care--that means you guys