Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Holly Mean Face

The husband and I had a dog that I adored. (Notice I didn't say "we.") But to his credit, he tolerated her, cared for her, etc. Once she passed the puppy stage -- that's two-years old for Labs -- she was an agreeable dog.

Then she got old. During her last year, she developed what we affectionately called, "The Holly Mean Face." It's a cross between a snarl and a grimmace. It didn't take a genius to figure out the meaning -- you're bugging me and I'm not in the mood.

Hangdog occasionally makes this face. I stop myself from saying "Hello Holly."

I can do a pretty strong impression of the expression. I save it for times when laughter needs to come into the situation.

1 comment:

janis said...

Holly's mean face was still sweet! I miss her.