Sunday, February 24, 2008

Going Through Their Stuff

No one wants to die but I'm pretty sure we're going to face it. I don't mean to be flip but the people who are left behind get the tough part.

Even though we spent tons of time going through the oldies' belongings when we sold the house in Mississippi, it just put a dent in it.

I have an irrational fear of someone going through my paperwork and notes. There's only one person I trust with it; maybe because I know she won't judge me. When my friend Patsy bacame ill, she developed an obsession with getting all things in order. As usual, she wanted to spare her husband any further frustration in the midst of grief.

So, we're in constant pursuit of paperwork and documents. It feels intrusive but it's necessary.

The dungeon is back in order but the 90 pounds of paperwork is not.

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