Thursday, July 5, 2007

And One MoreThing

Think of it as brain cells on a 30-seoncd delay. I rarely have a conversation or send an email without thinking of one more thing. My zany grandmother did this and my mother and I have kept it going. We never have one phone call; we call back and say, "Just one more thing..." We also say, "Yes, it's Grandma."

The oldies have a different phone ritual. Anyone who calls is immediately asked, "Do you want to talk to Da/Pop/Gramps?" Everyone is very polite and says yes. I'm guessing they want to say no but I'm in admiration of their manners.

The "one more thing" is usually what you called about in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheri, you are exposing all of our mental disorders.