Saturday, July 14, 2007


I don't think of myself as a collector. I don't own Hummels or Precious Moments figurines. I don't have the desire or the energy to dust all of those things. Once my mother told people that she thought pigs were cute. Every holiday involved another pig collectible. I learned a lesson there.

My weakness is china and glassware. My grandmother (the sane one, not the zany one) used to give me a bowl or a platter for every occasion. This started when I was about 12-years old. On big occasions like a wedding or graduation, she taped $20 in it but I still received a bowl. My mom used to say, "Mother, she's 15. What is she going to do with a bowl?" I have them all. I use them all the time.

I have four sets of china. (Plain with gold, plain with silver, floral and holiday.) I'm in love with several other patterns. When the oldies moved out of their home and set up camp with us, I had my eye on Big Daddy's grandmother's china. Much to my dismay, it didn't come here.

My crystal is Waterford and I'm thrilled that my goddaughters are in love with the same pattern. I know what to buy for their weddings and I know what to do with my crystal in my will.

I had someone cleaning for me once and she accidentally knocked over a wall hutch with glassware in it. She left me a note saying that she was sorry and she hoped there was nothing of value in it. At that moment, I wished I had been collecting pig figurines.

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