Saturday, July 7, 2007


I watch the news and I read the newspaper every day. I don't understand this war but I have strong feelings about the men and women who are serving our country.

I live with three veterans. The oldies served our country in WWII and Big Daddy served in Vietnam. The toughest thing I've ever served is a meal.

The baby will be 19-years old next month. Yet, he is still a baby. I look at these people and I'm in awe of their service to this country. In another day, another time, the Baby could be there too. It scares me to death.

Wave your flag and please thank a veteran.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

I decided when my sons were teens that I would take them to Canada rather than let them go off to war. Of course I would have had to kidnap one of them and take him in the trunk.