Saturday, July 28, 2007

Battered and Bruised

There's a campaign airing locally that attempts to aid victims of domestic violence. Good concept; wrong approach. These women need another woman to come to their aid. They need a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend. They probably need all of them.

I have never been the victim of abuse. I have a sassy mouth that can get me in trouble. I remember one time (many years ago,) the husband said, "I could pummel you if I wanted to." I, stupidly said, "Bring it on." Thank God, he has more sense than I do. We went to our corners and took a breath.

I am regularly battered and bruised. I run into things. My dog is almost my size and she climbs all over me. My girlfriend stopped by yesterday and commented on the bruises on my legs. I was teaching the dog to swim and she pawed me repeatedly. Like a girl scout, these bruises are my little badges.

Be a girl scout. If you know a woman who needs help, be her lifeline. Give her your guest room. Give her the 800# of your local shelter.

This campaign reminded me of what a safe and sheltered life I live.

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