Saturday, July 21, 2007

Food Pushers

I wish I could take credit for this phrase. This is what the Baby calls his grandmothers.

My mother is the best cook, yes, I'm a little prejudiced. Her specialties are desserts and homemade candy. I limit myself to twice a year. My mother-in-law is a great cook. My grandmother (the sane one) was an amazing cook. My aunts are great cooks. I get a little intimidated. Big Daddy and I both come from extended families where each meal was eaten and then you started preparing for the next one. My grandmother rarely left the kitchen. I can throw a meal together but we don't live that way. I think sliced tomatoes, brie and french bread makes a fine meal.

I am often the beneficiary of these cooks. When the oldies ask me at 9am what we are going to do for dinner, I can honestly say, "I don't have a clue." Then, by some miracle, my mother will send over spaghetti sauce. Abracadabra! Here's dinner.

It doesn't matter how much you eat. For the food pushers, you did not eat enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love the great cooks in our families who never use a recipe or measure anything? This drives me crazy, although I have to admit I do the same thing with certain dishes. In our early years of marriage my husband's Grandmother made Brown Sugar Pie. This has always been his favorite, so he asked me to get the recipe from her. Due to the fact she never measured anything, I had to stand over her with pad & pen in hand, a set of measuring spoons and measuring cup to have her dump the pinch of salt or the handful of flour into the proper container to get close to the appropriate amount. Grandma is now gone, but I continue to make this pie for my husband. His comment is "It's pretty good, but not as good as Grandma's".....That just makes me want to scream, but I continue to do my best to try to get closer and closer to Grandma's prize winning pie.
