Monday, July 23, 2007

Phonics -- It has to end in an E sound

Once, I was at the lake and we got into this weird discussion about names and nicknames. It was Patsy, Sheri, Betsy, Kathy, Mickey, etc. The men use formal names for business but when we're together, it's Danny, Ronnie, Dickie, Jimmy, Phillie, etc. We pondered -- is this a generational thing?

I have a girlfriend who insists on Deb or Deborah. She's always Debbie to me.

The only person who's allowed to call my girlfriend Cynthia, "Cindy" is her husband. Big Daddy pushes this rule a bit. When the Baby is feeling wild and crazy, he calls her "Thia" (Pronounced Thee-ah.)

Even the word "oldies" ends with an E sound.

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