Friday, July 13, 2007

Trading Cars

At my request, the husband and I traded cars today. Even though it was my idea, it makes me nervous. I ride with him a lot and I think he is an agressive driver. Also, he will not let me take him through the tutorial so he'll just be pushing buttons and I will have to reset everything.

I don't even particularly like my car. It's way too complicated. Still, some only child gene rears its ugly head and it's MINE! Be careful with it.

The oldies don't have this issue. He's legally blind and she is the only driver. The blindness must come and go because he's always playing navigator.

The only qualm Big Daddy has about me driving his car is dog hair. He didn't want the dog in the passenger seat. I couldn't make this promise so I had to swear to have it vacuumed. I don't know what the big deal is. His car is a mess and I am usually the only one to sit in the passenger seat.

So, he took my car. The one with all the dog hair in it.

1 comment:

trade sale cars classified said...

Trading in your old vehicle is the easiest way to cope. In fact, because even dealers of used cars generally want your trade-in, they make the procedure as easy as possible.