Sunday, July 1, 2007

They're Baaaack!

I think this is a line from the movie, "Poltergeist." I can still see that little blond cherub, sitting in front of the television static and announcing about the demons/ghouls/whatever, "they're baaaack."

The oldies were supposed to take a 2-week vacation. They came home 4 days early. I left town a few hours before they pulled in so Big Daddy was a little shocked at their change in plans. He handled it. (He got to leave town a day and 1/2 later.)

We had a great family weekend, along with wonderful friends. Big Daddy and I drove separately and I happened to get home first. When I opened the back door, I smelled something frying. They're not demons or ghouls but my first thought was, "They're baaaack!"

She was standing in front of the skillet and he was bundled in a bathrobe over the Unabomber outfit. I let the dog loose just to let them know that I'm back too.

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