Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Storm

Storms are magical, especially when you're safely tucked in.

My friend's lake cottage is a marvelous place to watch a storm. We can be on the pier and see that it's raining across the lake. We see the big clouds looming and watch the lightning in the distance. I know the routine and we become a well-oiled machine. We stack and tie down the pier furniture, gather our stuff and head to the patio. We take in the cushions and close the windows. Then, we pour a glass of wine and go back to the patio to watch the storm approach. We wait until the last second to run inside. (We're at the lake -- we're already wet.) Her dogs get a little antsy but my puppy seems oblivious.

After the storm, everything smells clean. The air is calm. We open the windows and put everything back in its proper place. We run outside to see if there is a rainbow. All is well.

I wish household storms were so fun.

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