Sunday, July 8, 2007

Questions to Ponder

The Golden Girls and I travel a couple of times a year. We are each required to bring a list of questions. As mentioned in previous posts, we cut them in little strips and carry them with us everywhere. It's a great way to get caught up on our lives and our mindset. Here's a sampling of the list I brought last year:

If you could trade lives for one day with someone you know personally, who would it be and why?

What's the best thing you've done this year?

Who from your past would you like to reconnect with?

If you were back in college, what would you choose as your major?

Name one trait in your children that you know comes from you.

What songs do you want at your funeral?

Would you ever remarry?

What do you pray for?

At what age did you feel like an adult? At what age did you feel middle aged?

Where were you on 9/11/01?

If you had to pick one CD/album to listen to for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

What do you own too much of?

When someone disappoints you, how do you handle it?

Name something that we did as teens that you never want your kids to do.

Who would you like to see as our first woman president? Why?

What's the one grooming item you couldn't do without?

What technology are you most befuddled by?

Are you politically active? How have you instilled this in your children?

Who can you count on when the chips are down?

Are regrets a bad thing? What do you regret?

Are friendships a fluke or a destiny?

What languages do you wish you could speak fluently?

Is there life on other planets?

What's the weirdest thing going on with your body?

Do you hate anyone? If so, who and why?

Name one thing you know you'll never do but wish you had.

If you won a dream makeover, what would you have done?

If you could re-do your wedding, what would you do differently?

Is there a picture of you "out there" that you regret?

Other than a wedding ring, what's your favorite piece of jewelry or accessory?

We're mid-40s. If you found out tomorrow that you were pregnant, what would you do?

If I met you for the first time, how would you describe yourself?

What's your weirdest quirk?

If you wrote your autobiography, what would the title be?

When you vote, if there's a category that you don't know the candidates, do you go by party or skip that section?

What's the best invention of our lifetime?

If your child were in a relationship that you did not approve of, how would you handle it?

Name one thing you wish you had more time for.

Ask yourself. Ask your friends. I would ask the oldies but apparently, I already ask too many questions.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

Your questions are GREAT! Can't wait to use some of them.