Sunday, July 29, 2007

I'm the Secretary

My mother made me take typing in high school. I fought it tooth and nail. I did not need this skill. I was not going to be a secretary. (This was way before the computer age.) As usual, she was right.

I learned to type on a manual typewriter. I sat beside some show-off who had worked in her father's office. I can still hear the "ding" of every time she hit the manual return. It jarred me. We used carbon paper and correction fluid.

This skill has served me well. When I decided to go to journalism school in college, they expected us to type -- in class -- on a manual typewriter. My jobs post-college involved writing and marketing. I went from the manual typewriter to an electric typewriter to a computer on my desk. I may not have been a secretary but I typed every day.

Now, I am the secretary of my home. I type something for the oldies almost every day. Last night, Big Daddy was writing a script and some letters for some committee he's on. Guess who typed it?

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