Saturday, July 14, 2007

The He-Man Women Haters Club

When the Baby was little, my parents used to babysit a lot. Movies were a great distraction and The Little Rascals was a favorite. Later, the Baby and my dad started fishing trips -- no girls allowed. They still call it the "He-Man Women Haters Club."

I feel the same passion about girl trips. No boys allowed. If they were allowed to join us, someone would want a sandwich; someone would want to discuss the golf game. Someone would change the channel during a great Lifetime movie right when we are ready for the man to get his just reward in the end.

When Big Daddy and I travel together, we have a great time. He gets the remote control and we take care of each other. When I travel without him, I get the remote control and I watch Lifetime to my heart's content.

I'm pretty sure I'll never be invited on the fishing trip.

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