Thursday, July 19, 2007

Bad Boys

My parents love the show, "Cops." Everyone, sing along -- "Bad Boys, Bad Boys, what'cha goin' to do when they come for you?"

Let me explain my definition of a bad boy. This is a boy/man who is ok with taking a risk. This is a boy/man who looks life in the eye and says, "Bring it on."

I've been on both sides of this track. I have been in relationships with incredibly nice men who let me run all over them. Those relationships didn't work.

Don't get me wrong -- I'm not promoting abusers, serial adulterers or compulsive people. I just get a little jolt from a boy/man with an edge. I like someone who pushes me and lets me push back. I like the fact that my husband is over 50 and still plays in a rock & roll band. I like it that we try to push each other around and usually have to call it a draw.

I can name every boy that I had a crush on, kissed, dated and married. They have grown up and moved on. Most of them had an edgy side.

My father is now a gentle soul. However, when my mother met him, he was a bad boy.

I love meeting Big Daddy out for dinner or another occasion. I can scan the room and think to myself, "There's my bad boy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your father is still a bad boy with a wicked sense of humor.