Wednesday, July 18, 2007


The Death Doctor, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, was recently released from prison. On Larry King Live, he said, "suicide is a right, not a crime."

I realize this is not an uplifting subject. I vacillate on my opinion. I have had a little experience with suicide.

When I was a child, my great aunt committed suicide. I happened to be at another great aunt's house and I remember it vividly. The aunts were on the phone together and the conversation turned to something morbid. My cousins and I were gathered at the kitchen table and I had been repeatedly complimented on my good eating habits.

(An aside -- her children would not allow their food to touch, plus they were picky eaters. My mother taught me to eat whatever was put in front of me and compliment the chef -- a rule I still abide by to this day.)

Later, I heard the phone ring and then the screaming sob when she heard the news.

A few years later, I was in high school and one of the neighborhood friends walked into his bedroom and found his older brother, who had committed suicide. I firmly believe his life was altered forever.

Suicide is a selfish choice. But, like abortion, I've never been there. At my worst moments, it's never crossed my mind.

I've had to euthanize a few old dogs. It's gut-wrenching and a little relief. Then someone has to pick me up off the floor and take me home. Girlfriends bring wine and flowers. Honestly, some of my dogs have had better wakes than some people I know.

Assisted suicide is something I cannot be judgemental about. I just don't know.

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