Monday, July 16, 2007

Pick Three Books

I contemplate the dumbest things. Here's one:

If you were stranded on an island and could only have three books, what would you choose? I asked the oldies this question and they looked at me as if I had just stepped off a different planet.

Two of my three choices never change. I would want a bible and I would want my combination dictionary/thesaurus. The third should be thick, engaging and something you would enjoy reading over and over. War and Peace,? Jane Eyre?

Right now, I'm going with Gone With The Wind. I read it once a year anyway. If I were on that island, I could recite it. If I'm ever stranded, I hope I would have reading glasses. Otherwise, I would be like Burgess Meredith in that Twilight Zone episode. He survives the nuclear attack and he's safely in the library. Then, he steps on his glasses and can't read a thing.

What would you choose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Good topic. I like the Bible idea, however it would not have been my choice. Good call. I would pick a good biography (i.e., Biography of Einstein which I am slowly reading) and a good, scary mystery novel.