Sunday, July 1, 2007

The Oldest Child

There was a study released last week about intelligence differences between siblings. What I took away is that there is significant evidence that the eldest child often has the highest IQ. Then the debate began again.

Is it nature or nurture? Is it because parents spend more time with the first born? Are these first born people smarter intellectually but maybe less savvy because they've been more overprotected than their younger siblings?

My IQ is a mystery to me. I suspect my parents know it; we were all tested as kids. I don't want to know. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting an invitation from Mensa.

My status as an only child is secure. Que sera sera ... it's not going to change now.

The oldies had four children. The oldest is very smart in an IQ type of way. I'm not convinced that he has the best street smarts.

The oldies labeled their boys: the athlete, the brain, the fun one, the baby. (These are my words; not theirs.) Those tags tend to stick around.

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